Friday, May 1, 2009

No, really, I hate cilantro

Prompted by colleagues, I'm going to try to update my blog on a variety of topics, both professional as well as personal. Professionally I am a software developer who has worked on everything from COM based applications back in the day, to .NET winforms apps, to Eclipse RCP apps, to Flex based RIAs, and now on Dojo/Restlet based RIAs. Personally I am a somewhat opinionated, slightly high-strung 30-something who is currently anxiously awaiting the arrival of his first child.

I had some trouble coming up with a blog name, but settled on something I have started saying over the last couple of years - I HATE CILANTRO. Why, you ask? Well at some point cilantro went from a minor ingredient that maybe offered something to the flavor of a dish to something that some restaurants are treating as a main ingredient. I'm not the only one - just google it, you'll see.

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